Week 11

This week we talked a lot about budgeting as a married couple and family. Brother Williams spoke a lot about how having a second income was debilitating to a family and marriage. Not to say anything he said wasn't true, but it very well could be the case that having a second income creates more problems than it solves, but the people who I know who take a second income seem to do very well while balancing a happy marriage and family. I'm glad Brother Williams told us how he came to these conclusions, but I felt that the sources might be out of date and his justifications were somewhat biased. We made a list of expenses that the teacher presented as unwanted burdens to the family's finances, but to me seemed like luxuries, a new car, "splurging the kids", etc. Again, I'm not saying what he says isn't true, I just don't think I have enough evidence or understanding to say having a second income is either good or bad. At any rate, to quote the prophet, Joshua, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Of course, I intend to fulfill my roles as given by the family proclamation, and I expect my spouse to do the same, but if she would like to take another job to feel more fulfilled, who am I to say no? One of my mom's biggest life regrets is that she didn't fulfill her dream of becoming a high school English teacher, and when she talks about it, it makes me sad that she didn't get that chance. My point is that I know I want to have a job to feel more fulfilled, and if my wife wants to do the same or if she'd rather stay at home, that's her choice and I'll support her in that.


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