Week 12

This week hit mostly on raising and more specifically disciplining children in a healthy way. Near the beginning of class, Brother Williams asked us to think of an important lesson we learned personally during our childhood. Then, he asked us to raise our hands if we learned those things from a lecture, few people raised their hands, then he asked us to raise our hands if we learned it from a punishment or reward from our parents. Again, few people raised their hands. Then he asked us if we learned that important lesson from personal experience, and most of the class raised their hands. This shows that the most important lessons in life are learned independent of parents, siblings, teachers, or friends. Still, a good parent is mindful to teach their children the right things to do, reward and punishment are both viable tools in doing so. It relates very well to the gospel, in fact, discipline and disciple share the same root word "discere", meaning "to learn". Throughout scriptures, church history, and in my own life, I've found that God uses any and every means to teach us more about true doctrine, the commandments, and His Divine nature. Often it comes from personal experience, but that doesn't limit God against teaching through sermons, blessings, and occasional punishments. I hope to emulate God as a parent by also using diverse ways of teaching my children both temporal and spiritual truths.


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