Week 10

This week focused mainly on communication, with families, relationships, and also with God. I loved this topic because communication is something that is very important to me, I believe that we must be true to our word, and forthcoming when it comes to any interaction with others. Being able to honestly and effectively communicate will enhance every aspect of your life, whether that be your career, finances, friendships, living situations, dating/marriage life, raising your children, and becoming equally yoked with God. An important aspect of honesty that is sometimes overlooked is that a person can only be honest when they are determined and persistent in accomplishing the things they say they will do. Here are a few examples, when we pray to God for direction, we must be willing to make sacrifices and travel the road He would have for us; when we commit to helping a friend with a certain task, we do not give up at the first difficulty or inconvenience; when we give ourselves in marriage, we must be willing to do anything it takes to remain true and faithful to our spouse. Without having this integrity, we cannot be honest with our fellowmen. In addition to being resolved to keep our word, honesty requires forthcoming in our intentions, meaning we must say the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth (when it is appropriate).


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