
Showing posts from April, 2023
Week 2      This week in our family relations class we focused mostly on the negative effects that same-sex marriage can have on children. However, we also covered many other interesting topics which helped us to understand healthy child development as well. On Tuesday we discussed that as children, we naturally followed the scientific method to learn about the world around us, even though we may not have realized it. This was an interesting connection for me because I realized how much of what I know came by personal experience rather than by someone or something outright telling me about it. After talking about this, we were then told about an interesting study on marital satisfaction, and it was surprising to learn that most couples who had reported being very dissatisfied with their marriage later ended up reporting a great deal of satisfaction with it five years later. This emphasizes the importance of communication and perseverance in a relationship, and that enduring through the
Welcome!     My name is Zack Murri, I'm a student at BYU-Idaho and this semester I'm taking a family relationships class where I will learn about the importance of families and what impact a family can have on an individual. I'm excited for this class because my family has been a great blessing for me personally, and I hope to one day emulate the great things they've done to help me. I'm sure this class will be an important step in my path to do just that!         Each week I will be posting a few of the things I'm learning from this college course, as well as my own insights and opinions. I hope you as readers will leave comments about your own insights and opinions as well, this will help me learn and study. Thank you!